Appointment Slots On Google Calendar

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Appointment slots in Google Calendar allow users to offer specific, limited hours during which they can be booked by students (or adults) with whom they have shared the link to their appointment slot web page. When you create a block of appointment slots, the block initially shows up as a single event on your calendar. In the appointment screen, choose the calendar you want the appointments to appear on. Choose either the whole time as an appointment block or break the time into slots of 30 minutes (or whatever duration you prefer). Enter the location and a description. Copy the URL for the appointment page from This Calendar's Appointment Page.

  • G Suite Appointment Slots - Easily Create Appointment Slots in Google Calendar, video by Appointment slots is a less known feature.
  • Use Google Calendar appointment slots This feature is available only with a work or school Google Calendar account. Android Computer iPhone & iPad To use Google Calendar appointment slots, go to.

1. Log into my.ryerson (your Ryerson Portal) and go to the Apps tab.

Note: Appointment slots do not work on your private Google Calendar, they only work on the Ryerson G Suite version.

2. Click on Calendar from the G Suite menu.

3. Navigate to the week when you want to start your office hour.

4. Click and drag to create a regular appointment spanning the total length of that particular office hour session. An input box appears as shown in the Figure 1. Note that in this example we’re setting up a block of office hours lasting three hours.

How To Share Appointment Slots On Google Calendar

5. Click on “Appointment slots” in the input box and you will see a screen shown in Figure 3.

Appointment Slots In Google Calendar

Note: If this is your first time accessing the appointment slots, you will first get a screen explaining what are appointment slots.

6. Click on 'Get started with appointment slots' to go to 'Appointment slots'.

Appointment Slots On Google Calendar

7. Add a title, e.g. “Office Hours” as shown in Figure 3.

8. Click on “More Options”. You will get an edit page for the appointment slots.

9. Click 'Does not repeat' to reveal a drop down menu with options to set the recurrence of the block. Click 'Custom' to set up a custom recurrence of the appointment block. In this case we have set it to repeat every Tuesday and Thursday until August 1st.

10. Clicking Done will take you to the 'Edit details' screen.

11. Add your office room number in the “Location” field.

Note: Please take a note of the 'This calendar's appointment page' text on the screen. You will need this later. Click on the link to open the “Calendar’s appointment page”.

Google appointment scheduler free

12. Save your changes. You will then be returned to your calendar. You will see block appointments set up over the range you specified, repeated as you specified.

13. Use the “Calendar’s appointment page” link, mentioned in Step 11 above, to embed into your web page or an email so your students can see and visit your calendar.

14. When a student accesses the shared link, they will see something. Twelve different slots are represented here.

15. A student would select one and fill in their personal details. They will see 'Book an appointment' screen.


16. After saving the appointment details, the student will see a confirmation screen.

17. When a student books an appointment slot, you will receive an email message showing you the request and giving you the choice to accept or decline the appointment. If you accept it, the appointment will show up in both your google calendar and that of the student.

(This page is based on Prof. Fil Salustri's own document on the same topic.)

How Do I Create Appointment Slots In Google Calendar

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Appointment Slots

Using appointment slots

The appointment slots feature lets you set one period of time on your calendar, divided into available time slots for people to reserve. For instance, professors can have their students reserve time during office hours each week, or the library could let anyone visiting their website schedule an appointment for a room during a set time period.

Note that in order to reserve one of your appointment slots, people will need to have a Google Calendar account themselves. But it's free and easy for them to create an account, so don't let that stop you from creating appointment slots!

This is a handy tool with many possibilities. Read on to learn how to set up and start using it.

Set up appointment slots

  1. Sign in to your Georgia Southern Google account and go to your calendar
  2. Make sure that you're in Week view or any Day view, since the appointment slots can't be created when you're using any of the other Calendar views.
  3. Click anywhere in the calendar grid. In the event bubble that pops up, click Appointment slots.
  4. Indicate the details for the appointment slots using these fields:
    1. What: Enter a short title for the appointment slots, like 'Professor Brown’s Office Hours.'
    2. Calendar drop-down menu: Choose the calendar in which you'd like to create the appointment slots.
    3. Offer as a single appointment: Select this button if the entire time will be used for one appointment.
    4. Split into smaller slots: Select this option if you'd like to allow multiple appointments to be scheduled during the block of time. Simply select and indicate the duration for each appointment (in minutes) in the text box to the right.
  5. If you're all finished, click Create slots on the bubble, or continue to the next step to add more details to your appointment slots.
  6. Click Edit details to open the appointment slots details page and add more information, such as a location or description, or to make the appointment block repeat. To make the appointment block recur, click the Repeat checkbox to choose your settings. Read more about repeating events.
  7. If other people should be present during the appointment slot, you can invite them using the Add Guests field. For instance, a professor may want their assistant to be there during office hours and could invite them using this feature.
    Note: Anyone that you add here will be invited to every individual appointment throughout the block of time, and will also receive an email each time someone reserves an appointment. To show the event to people who might reserve an appointment slot, give them the appointment page's URL that's listed at the top of the event details page
  8. When you're finished, click Save.
You're all set up! Your appointment block will display as a single event on your calendar and the calendars of any invitees. You'll be able to distinguish the appointment block from other events by its striped pattern. Once actual appointments are booked, they'll appear as regular events overlapping with the striped appointment block.

Booking Appointments (visitors)

To let people start booking appointments, simply direct them to the appointment page.

** You can find the URL for your appointment page at the top of the set-up page, which you can access via the Edit details link.

Visitors to this page will see a calendar showing the available appointments. They’ll also see their own calendar overlaid on the appointment page, making it easy to see what times work for them.
To book an appointment, visitors simply click one of the available appointment buttons and click Save. Visitors can also edit other fields in the popup to make changes to the title, location, and event description.
Appointments that have been booked won’t be visible to future visitors to the appointment page.
Attendees can cancel their appointment by deleting or declining the event on their own calendar, which will appear as a decline on your calendar. The appointment then becomes bookable for future visitors to the appointment page.